R&D Tax Credits

Any investment in innovation & technology could be eligible for research & development tax credit claim.

£39.8 billion. Thought that would get your attention. That’s the largest ever incentive the government has allocated to British businesses who are investing in Research and Development. Got to give credit, where credit’s due.

And you don’t have to be a company of boffins to qualify for this reward programme. Any investment in innovation and technology could be eligible for a research and development tax credit claim.

Now is the time to take advantage of this incentive as claims are time critical. Your slice of the pie awaits.

Business Tax Planning Specialists

Frequently Asked Questions

R&D Tax Credits are a UK government incentive designed to encourage companies to invest in innovation. They can reduce a company’s tax bill or provide a cash sum for qualifying research and development activities.

As Experienced R&D Tax Credit Specialists, we guide businesses through the complexities of claiming R&D tax credits. Our consultancy evaluates your projects to maximise your potential claims and ensures compliance with the latest HMRC regulations.

Typically, any project that seeks to resolve scientific or technological uncertainties may qualify. This includes developing new products, processes, or enhancing existing ones. Our R&D Tax Credits Consultation UK can help identify eligible activities within your business.

With our UK R&D Tax Credit Claims Specialist team, we manage the entire process, from initial assessment to submission of claims. We ensure that your documentation is robust and aligned with HMRC requirements for a smoother claim process.

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